“Catch up with Miller Miller Miller & Sloan whose fame came and went in the 80's, and see how their passion guided their lives even after the music ended...”
— MSPIFF Highlights Promotion
“We feel like this film has a lasting impression both on its own content, spanning half-lifetimes, and on the viewers; it gives a glimpse of the nature of dreams and the passing of time and spirits because though, on the surface, it's a film about music, it goes so much deeper to explore ambition, motivation, moving on, and coming to terms with life itself.”
— Senior Youth Jury (Ages 13-18) R2R Awards Presentation
"We Don't Wanna Make You Dance" winner of SPECIAL JURY PRIZE
“I now feel great satisfaction that what I was trying to put across and say was successful. And, that it was meaningful to your age group, is doubly thrilling for me.”
— Excerpt of Lucy Kostelanetz' reply read by student at Awards Presentation